Written by Team Juggernaut
Nick Shaw – Don’t cut carbs too early in a diet in order to save muscle/strength.
Samantha Lower – Well before I got with Renaissance Periodization (RP) I had very little knowledge of diet or really just nutrition in general. I ate whatever, whenever, never took any protein or other supplements, and was always getting hungry during workouts. The best diet tip I’ve gotten from this is nutritional timing and keeping me full and focused for my workouts. It’s made a huge difference in my performance.
Ariel Stephens– Renaissance Periodization has been the best thing that has ever happened for my diet. Since I came from a swimming background, I didn’t know how to eat like a “normal” person. I constantly ate what I wanted, whenever I wanted. I know that I did not have a balanced diet. RP has taught me how to eat healthy, portion my meals, and I now know that carbs are NOT the enemy.
Chad Wesley Smith– Learning the true value of carbs in and around training.
Kalle Beck– Tracking everything! You count how much weight you do and how many sets and record it right? You have to do the same with your food to see what works and what doesn’t. How can you adjust if you don’t even know what you were doing?
Reena Tenorio – The importance of carbs and nutrient timing! The biggest nutritional adjustment has been working with Nick Shaw of Renaissance Periodization. He has helped me make huge changes in both body composition and optimal recovery through diet.
Marisa Inda– Keep it simple. If you try and get fancy with meal prep you’re less likely to do it.
Dr. Mike Israetel – “Eat consistently if you wanna grow.” There has been perhaps ONE time in the last 12 years in which I went longer than a night’s sleep without eating something with protein in it. 12 years ago I was 160lbs, now I’m 240 at a lower bodyfat.
Blaine Sumner– First seeing Derek Poundstone make a chicken shake, then perfecting it and making it 75% of my protein intake along with egg whites and spinach.
Reid Worthington– Stay on the outside of store when shopping and learning how to meal prep.
Jamie Hagiya– RP Strength has definitely helped with my nutrition and body composition. I completely changed the amount of meals I’m eating/day and the quality and quantity. Went from 2 meals a day to 4-5 well balanced (protein, fats, and carbs)/day.
Greg Panora – I really wanted to be 275+ so I cut my meals down to 4 and got rid of protein powder and within a few months I put on 30 pounds of muscle. I generally only listen to Dr Mike when it comes to nutrition.
Ewa Januszk– I am actually fairly new to dieting, but learning how to count and adjust my macros has improved my physique and my performance. Learning to plan out my meals in advance has been the absolute best adjustment; I don’t have to think, I can just live and not worry so much about my meals, while still making sure they’re delicious. Long term sustainability is key.