News & Articles

We at JTS strive to bring the best powerlifting, weightlifting, training and strength content in the world. With other 1400 articles, we're confident we have what you need.

3 Reflections on the 2013 CrossFit Open

3 Reflections on the 2013 CrossFit Open

First off, I want to make the disclaimer that my “reflections on the CrossFit Open” are as a coach and ...

Turkish Get Up Like A Boss

Turkish Get Up Like A Boss

The Turkish Get Up is by far the most intricate of all the kettlebell lifts. Many will argue that it is the most ...

Russian KB Swing and Crossfit KB Swing

Russian KB Swing and Crossfit KB Swing

I’ve been using kettlebells since 2004 when I discovered Dragondoor and Pavel, the “Evil ...

12 Fitness Lessons

12 Fitness Lessons

The truth is, I haven’t always been a strength and conditioning coach. Furthermore, I am still not solely ...

Popular on JTS

Optimizing Your Warmups

Optimizing Your Warmups

Get the most out of our Guided Warmup feature.

5 Common Mistakes in the Bench Press

5 Common Mistakes in the Bench Press

Are you making a mistake that's holding your bench back?

Considerations for Masters Lifters

Considerations for Masters Lifters

How should training change as you age?

5 Common Mistakes in the Squat

5 Common Mistakes in the Squat

Stop making these mistakes and get your squat numbers up!


Selecting and Progressing Your Weights

Selecting and Progressing Your Weights

Strategically select your weights for more success in training.

How To PR On The Platform

How To PR On The Platform

Set yourself up for the best performance where it counts the most, on the competition platform.

4 Ways To Deal With Failure

4 Ways To Deal With Failure

Better overcome setbacks with these tips from a World Champion

How To Mentally Approach Heavy Weights

How To Mentally Approach Heavy Weights

Get your mind right to attack your heaviest lifts.


Optimizing Your Warmups

Optimizing Your Warmups

Get the most out of our Guided Warmup feature.

5 Common Mistakes in the Bench Press

5 Common Mistakes in the Bench Press

Are you making a mistake that's holding your bench back?

Considerations for Masters Lifters

Considerations for Masters Lifters

How should training change as you age?

5 Common Mistakes in the Squat

5 Common Mistakes in the Squat

Stop making these mistakes and get your squat numbers up!


Best Exercises to Improve Your Jerk

Best Exercises to Improve Your Jerk

Improve the most missed lift in Weightlifting

Best Exercises to Improve Your Clean

Best Exercises to Improve Your Clean

Build power with these Clean tips from Max Aita.

Best Exercises to Improve Your Snatch

Best Exercises to Improve Your Snatch

Team Juggernaut's favorite variations to improve one of the most complex lifts

4 Tips to Improve Your Front Squat

4 Tips to Improve Your Front Squat

Use the simple tips to improve your Front Squat


Chad’s Back Pain Journey

Chad’s Back Pain Journey

Chad shares about his history of back pain and how he's gotten back to training hard

Lower Back Rehab Strategies

Lower Back Rehab Strategies

Low back pain can make your lifting (and life) miserable, learn how to fix it!

The Foundations of Strength & Conditioning

The Foundations of Strength & Conditioning

All of our top Strength & Conditioning content in one incredible (and free!) eBook

Warming Up for the Jerk

Warming Up for the Jerk

Try out these drills for a better and more stable overhead position in the Jerk


Shrimp Tacos Recipe with Marisa Inda

Shrimp Tacos Recipe with Marisa Inda

Marisa shows you one of her favorite recipes.

10 Week JuggernautAI Powerbuilding Transformation Challenge

10 Week JuggernautAI Powerbuilding Transformation Challenge

Join us in the first-ever JuggernautAI Powerbuilding contest! In conjunction with Renaissance Periodization

The Foundations of Strength & Conditioning

The Foundations of Strength & Conditioning

All of our top Strength & Conditioning content in one incredible (and free!) eBook

The JuggLife | Dr. Spencer Nadolsky | Tackling Obesity

The JuggLife | Dr. Spencer Nadolsky | Tackling Obesity

Dr. Spencer Nadolsky joins this week's JuggLife


5 Min Mile & 500 Pound Deadlift Challenge | Pre-Test

5 Min Mile & 500 Pound Deadlift Challenge | Pre-Test

Learn more about concurrent training for Strength & Endurance

The Foundations of Strength & Conditioning

The Foundations of Strength & Conditioning

All of our top Strength & Conditioning content in one incredible (and free!) eBook

Our Favorite Plank Variations

Our Favorite Plank Variations

Add some new twists to the traditional plank

A Ground Up Approach

A Ground Up Approach

Chad Wesley Smith and Dr. Quinn from Juggernaut Training Systems recently put out a podcast called “Form Rolling: ...


Lower Back Rehab Strategies

Lower Back Rehab Strategies

Low back pain can make your lifting (and life) miserable, learn how to fix it!

Dealing with Knee Pain

Dealing with Knee Pain

Dr. Clinton Lee gives you some strategies to keep your knees feeling healthy and strong

Dealing with Shoulder Pain for Lifters

Dealing with Shoulder Pain for Lifters

Dr. Clinton Lee helps you improve your shoulder health.

Treating Hip Pain from Squatting

Treating Hip Pain from Squatting

Dr. Clinton Lee helps you deal with hip pain that's holding your strength back.


Upper Body Pump with Marisa Inda

Upper Body Pump with Marisa Inda

Marisa Inda turns her focus to physique training

Bench PR with JuggernautAI Powerbuilding

Bench PR with JuggernautAI Powerbuilding

Kristin Estes hitting a big bench PR!

JuggernautAI Community Spotlight #6

JuggernautAI Community Spotlight #6

An 832# Deadlift by a JuggernautAI Athlete!

JuggernautAI Community Spotlight #5

JuggernautAI Community Spotlight #5

An 800# Deadlift and more great progress from JuggernautAI users!

Sport Performance

Get To Know Kate Cohen

Get To Know Kate Cohen

Improve your mental performance with Coach Kate

The JuggernautBJJ App Has Arrived
Sport Performance

The JuggernautBJJ App Has Arrived

Take your performance on the mats to the next level!

Chad’s Greatest Coaching Influences

Chad’s Greatest Coaching Influences

Training has been a passion of mine since I was 14. I have, with the exception of a few short time periods, written ...

The Foundations of Strength & Conditioning

The Foundations of Strength & Conditioning

All of our top Strength & Conditioning content in one incredible (and free!) eBook

Nutrition & Recovery

How To Improve Recovery
Nutrition & Recovery

How To Improve Recovery

How can you enhance your recovery to boost your performance?

10 Week JuggernautAI Powerbuilding Transformation Challenge

10 Week JuggernautAI Powerbuilding Transformation Challenge

Join us in the first-ever JuggernautAI Powerbuilding contest! In conjunction with Renaissance Periodization

The Foundations of Strength & Conditioning

The Foundations of Strength & Conditioning

All of our top Strength & Conditioning content in one incredible (and free!) eBook

Hypertrophy Recovery Tips

Hypertrophy Recovery Tips

How can you best recovery from your Hypertrophy training?