Written by Marisa Inda
If you’re a mom and an athlete or one that just wants to reclaim her post baby body and compete; I’m sure you can relate to the constant social media bombardment of young, single, childless 20 something’s setting pr’s giving their time management advice and making how to videos on meal prep, lifting etc etc. Don’t take this wrong, I support all my women in iron and I understand that every life stage has its stress BUT sometimes I do find it hard to relate to them. Where are the role models for the mom and the moms to be? I often wonder will these girls ever experience the joy of kids or be too scared to “ruin” their bodies for fear of losing their social media following and sponsorships. Take notice, because there are some amazing strong moms in the world and we offer hope that life DOES NOT end when you have a kid!
Whether you come from an athletic background or not pregnancy is a scary time. I know I wondered if my body would bounce back, would sex be different, and would all the time off make me weak?! You’re trying to enjoy the moment yet everyone and everything around you is telling you your life is about to change while offering up their parenthood horror stories. No to mention, those national geographic shows making you think everything is about to go south. It can be a lonely and truly frightening time if you can’t see past the negative.

Yes, it is an adjustment and yes you are now responsible for not only yourself but these little people that could not survive without you. You now have to juggle work, school drop offs, activity schedules, homework, play dates AND still fit in gym time. It can be overwhelming to say the least and it’s hard not to feel selfish at times when you do escape to the gym for an hour. However, it is possible to do it all with some scheduling tweaks, good family support and above all drive.
Not going to lie and say it’s all peachy. Your body does change, not National Geographic change but it will be different and you may even have a stretch mark or two afterwards. Your training while pregnant and a few weeks afterwards will have to be adjusted but you won’t lose everything you worked so hard for pre pregnancy. The body is amazing at bouncing back and you’d be amazed at how quickly your strength returns as well.
Being a mom has only motivated me. I wanted to prove all the naysayers wrong and I truly believe I am better now than I was at 20. I am lifting more than ever, I still have abs and I am competing against the best in the world as an elite powerlifter. My kids are happy, well adjusted and are seeing firsthand the importance of being active and staying healthy.
Moms and moms to be you are still RELEVANT, DESIRABLE and CAPABLE of becoming more. You can still set PR’s in the gym and at home. I know my competitive journey didn’t end after having kids I just added to my cheering section. I am more than just strong, I am Mom strong.