Written by Matt Vincent
Throwing is one of the most overlooked sports of Strength Sports. There is minimal info, compared to Powerlifting, Strongman or Weightlifting, regarding on how to train for it and of the info out there, very little of it addresses how to properly train to throw farther. I wrote Training LAB to address this issue. I have been competing as a competitor in the Highland Games for 5 years and been throwing competitively since I was in middle school. I love throwing and I love training.
I have taken time to apply the important things I learned while competing in Strongman, Powerlifting, Weightlifting, and Track & Field then applied it to my training for the Highland Games. With this I was able to take my throwing to the next level and win the Professional World Championship in 2012 as a 1st year Professional. I have also continued hitting PRs in training and throwing farther every year.
There are some important differences to address when training for the throws vs. some of the other strength sports. One is the amount that you will compete. While Strongman, Powerlifitng, and Weightlifting compete 4-5 times a year, throwers will compete anywhere form 10-20+ times a season. This means you have to be competing while you are still trying to build your strength and power through the season. I will lay out how to set up your entire training season from proper off-season lifting, building strength and power during season and finally coming to a peak for big competitions.

For those of you familiar I use a modified Block Program mixed with the parts of different training Programs that have been the most beneficial to me. While focusing on building Max Strength through Sub Maximal Training. This type of training will keep you healthy through the season and keep you ready to throw every weekend. You will also focus on building your Max Speed and Power. Being able to apply force faster is what accelerates the implements and is in the end going to make you throw farther.
That was plenty of explaining my training Philosophy, why I do what I do and how to address your own training. I explain my personal motivation “HVIII” and how I use it to push myself.
This training is good for all throwers as well as those who compete competitively in any Strength Sports. I have posted my farthest throws 60′ with a 16# shot put and my biggest lifts (Squat 685, Bench 425, Deadlift 665, Push Press 396, Clean and Jerk 385, and Snatch 311) while using Training LAB. No matter what the application Training LAB will help you reach those goals.
Being Strong has been important for ever since I started lifting 16 years ago. Strong in the big picture is what matters. Not just being strong in 6 weeks or 10 weeks but in 5 and 10 years. This is a part of my life and this is what has always worked for me. I have never believed in fads in training or thought that there was a shortcut. Lifting hard and smart for a long time is what makes you strong. Get Stronger, Throw Farther and HVIII More!!
Matt Vincent is a top Professional Highland Games World Champion. Matt has spent the last 15 years strength training with a focus on functional strength for athletics. Track and Field for LSU as a shotput, discus, and hammer thrower, two top 3 finishes in SEC and two top 5 Regional finishes in Discus. In the last 6 years he as traveled all over country and trained with many of the top coaches and athletes in various fields form Weightlifting, Strongman, Powerlifting (both Geared and Raw) and now focus on Highland Games. Matt also has competed in all of these different disciplines to make sure he has a 1st hand knowledge of training and competing. With success as a top AM Strongman qualified for nationals 3 times. Powerlifting numbers of (875-700-700 in APF @275) and (675-425-665 @ 275 RAW). Weightlifting numbers of (319 Snatch and 400 Clean and Jerk @ 105+). Highland Games he won 3 AM World Championships and 1 Professional World Championship as my first year Pro. Matt is also the Author of Best Selling Highland Games Training Manual for Developing Max Strength and Power: Training LAB. Website, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter