Written by Team Juggernaut
Want to learn from the best weightlifters and coaches in the United States, while also supporting a great cause?
Of course you do! Juggernaut’s giving you the chance with our Weightlifting Clinic for Autism Speaks.
Join us on June 28th at CrossFit Tustin from 9am to 5pm for coaching and lectures in the snatch, clean & jerk and mobility for weightlifting.
This clinic will mix lecture and Q&A with top minds in the sport, along with hands-on-coaching in small groups (10 or less athletes per coach) to help you improve your technique, programming and movement in the lifts.
All proceeds from this event will go to support Autism Speaks, a great foundation that is personally dear to Juggernaut owner, Chad Wesley Smith.
Register Now!
Coaching at this great event will be…
–Colin Burns, 2013 Pan-Am Team
–Donovan Ford, 2013 World Championship Team
–Sean Waxman, Owner of Waxman’s Gym
–Samantha Lower, 2x American Open Champion
–Anthony Pomponio, 323kg Total at 85kg bodyweight
–Dr. Quinn Henoch and Ryan Brown of Darkside Strength
–Jamie Hagiya, 4th Place in SoCal in 2014 CrossFit Open
–Ariel Stephens, 191kg Total at 69kg bodyweight
–Reid Worthington, 2x SoCal Regionals Qualifier
–Dr. Reena Tenorio, Physical Therapist & USAW National qualifier
–Jacob Tsypkin, owner of CrossFit Montery and TZ Strength
with more great coaches still to be added.

Please come and join us for great learning, training and more while we support a great cause.
Space is limited for this great event at the cost of just $149.99, which includes lunch at the event and a Juggernaut Weightlifting shirt!