Written by Team Juggernaut
Check Out Courtney’s Training Log Here
Name:Courtney Gould

Age: 26
Height/Weight: 135lbs/5’2”
Hometown: Oroville, WA
Current City: Portland, OR
Years Training: 8ish years
Years Competing: 7 Months
PRs in relevant lifts/events:
Current Best Lifts:
Snatch: 63kgs
Clean: 79kgs
Clean & Jerk: 70kgs
Squat: 250lbs
Bench: 145lbs
Deadlift: 330lbs
Where you Train: Elite Performance Center & Precision Performance (with Oly Coach, Anthony Sanbothe)
Day Job: Accounting & Regional Coordination for a Construction Firm
What would be your personal theme song?:
Not sure if this would be a theme song but when I think about all my training, Kontraband Muzik –‘ Traded It All’ often comes to mind.
What got you into training/competing? What is your athletic background?
I played sports all through high school but when I got to college I didn’t want to gain the Freshman-15. I started running 3-6 miles every day… I became the dreaded cardio queen. I decided to enroll in a weightlifting class spring quarter because I didn’t know the first thing about lifting weights. I took my Muscle & Fitness Hers and Oxygen magazines into class and just started following the workouts they had in the magazines on my own. I finally got the balls up to ask the teacher (an Exercise Science Grad Student) how to squat properly. I saw an immediate transformation in my body. Lean sexy muscles. I was hooked and haven’t looked back since!
Who have been influential people in your life in regards to training, or just in general?
I can easily account becoming the woman I am to my mom. She taught me that hard work is the only way to get what you deserve; nothing will be handed to you. She was a single mom of 4 kids and often worked 3 jobs to keep a roof over our head and food on the table and somehow she still managed to make it to all of our sporting events and help us with homework. She is my rock and backbone, to go through the struggles she has and still come through will a smile on her face and love in her heart. Her attitude and work ethic have helped me to become successful in my lifting and professional life.
Another person who I am in constant awe of and inspired by is my training partner and boyfriend, Adrian. He was born with dislocated hips and was told by all doctors that he will never be able to walk. After 18 surgeries, this man has not only proven everyone wrong, but he also has become a competitive powerlifter in bench. He just recently broke a Raw National record of 541lbs at 242lbs. He motivates me to be better in my professional, personal, and training life.
What are the greatest challenges you have faced from a training/competing standpoint?
The biggest challenge I have recently come upon is Olympic lifting and how technique intensive it is. I can usually conquer something fairly easily, however these lifts have about 8 difficult lifts rolled into one explosive movement. I have never been coordinated and it shows, but I’m making steady progress and can’t wait to get better.
How do you structure you training going into a competition?
For this being my first weightlifting comp, I am sort of playing with the structure. We have still been starting with light technique work and moving up in weight when my lifts are consistent. No real set training program, just trying to hit consistent lifts. As for the final week, we decided to complete an overcompensation training session about 5 days prior to the meet and then rest with a couple of massage sessions. I hope to have you a better more complete answer to this question as my training and competition goals progress.
What is your typical diet like?
First and foremost, I take in at least 1 gallon of water a day. I follow a backloading-esque mixed with intermittent fasting type diet.
– I don’t eat breakfast and usually begin my morning at work with lots of green tea with a teaspoon or so of heavy cream.
– 10am – Heavy Athletics Nutrition Pro Blend w/ water
– Between 12 and 1pm – a light lunch of a lean protein (usually turkey or steak) and veggies (broccoli and cauliflower)
– 3pm – Heavy Athletics Nutrition Pro Blend w/ water
– PWO HAN Ultimate Whey shake with almond milk and 1 or 2 very ripe bananas
– 6:30-7 Sweet Potato, Lean protein (steak or turkey) with avocado, veggies, and if I’m still hungry later, a handful of raw almonds.
What upcoming competitions do you have? What are your competitive goals for the next year?
I have a competition coming up this weekend!!! It will be my first weightlifting comp and I am very excited! There are two other meets that I am planning on competing in towards the end of the year. My goal is to hit 70kg/90kg on the platform by the end of the year. I want to qualify and place at Nationals by 2015.
What advice would you give to someone who is interested in competing in what you do?
If there is anyone out there that wants to become a competitive (and I’m not talking Crossfit WOD competitive) weightlifter, find a good coach. There are so many internet trolls and horrible lifting on the internet (myself included at times) that you really need hands on work with a competent coach. You can try starting on your own, but athletes often times learn bad habits that they will have to break and re-learn with proper technique. With weightlifting you can only “muscle up” so much weight. Proper technique and a good strength base will help you reach your goals.
Any general thank you’s or products to look out for or anything else you want to say…
I would just like to give a big thanks to Chad for bringing me on the Jugg team, my supplement sponsor, Heavy Athletics Nutrition, the awesome athletes on the Juggernaut team, my amazing coach, Tony Sandbothe, my mom, and of course, Adrian.
If you have a personal website/fan page/etc, list that here…
Cgouldtraining.blogspot.com – my training log
www.heavyathleticsnutrition.com – I have posts on their blog as well as healthy protein based recipes.
What obstacles do you feel, if any, you face being a woman competing in strength sports?
I feel that women in strength sports almost always have to prove to males that they often train with that they will work just as hard as their male counterpart. The weight moved may not be the same, but relative to body weight, some women are doing WORK. It seems that men can sometimes be intimidated by a strong female who isn’t afraid to work hard. This obstacle needs to be removed. A woman should only have to prove to herself that she is strong and resilient.
What advice do you have for women who are maybe afraid to train heavy or are intimidated about training in a real gym with men?
First of all – women should NEVER be afraid to train heavy. I saw the most change in my body after I started lifting weights. I gained confidence in myself and loved my strong, lean body! (not big and bulky)
The weight room can be very intimidating, I know myself, I was intimidated as hell when I used to run miles on the treadmills watching all the people load up the barbell. First, I would recommend learning the basics of a weight room and proper technique of a squat, deadlift, and press (bench & shoulder). Find a competent trainer (key word – competent) or friend who will help you learn the basics. Often times, people are happy to help.
I walked into EPC an all-male powerlifting facility and that had NO Olympic weightlifters.. or females. The guys wouldn’t talk to me or even make eye contact for the first few weeks. I was later told that they were intimidated by me. By ME?! I’m 5’2” and 135 freaking pounds. Finally, they started talking to me, slams started be thrown and I was invited to work in the with them and I was treated like one of the guys. Sadly enough, it’s usually the men that are the intimidated ones by a woman who knows what she’s doing.
Above all: Be open to try new things, have fun with training (heavy), embrace the positive results, and screw the naysayers!!