Written by Team Juggernaut
Kevin Oak is a sprinter turned powerlifter who is quickly making a big name for himself with his combination of awesome strength and muscular physique. Kevin starting building his explosive power as a sprinter for Villanova University before turning his efforts to powerlifting. Kevin is based in New York City and trains out of the famous Coliseum Gym. We are excited to welcome this 220 pound class star to Team Juggernaut…
Name: Kevin Oak
Age: 28
Height/Weight: 5’11” / 235 lbs
Hometown: Dix Hills, NY
Current City: NYC
Gym: Coliseum Gym
Job: Personal Trainer
PRs: Comp: squat 725 bench 491 deadlift 710 total 1907 at 220. Training: squat 772 bench 502 deadlift 740
What’s Your Favorite Training Music: Rap. new school / old school, good / bad doesn’t really matter.
What is your athletic background, how did you get into powerlifting?
I started lifting when I was 16 to get a little more muscle for track and it ended up helping my speed and endurance significantly. The majority of my background before powerlifting was doing track & field. In high school I was all American in the 100 & 200 meter dashes and ended up going to Villanova University on a track scholarship.

Speed is obviously important to lifting heavy, what type of training do you do you do for speed?
It varies a lot, but a lot of my sped training just has to do with moving the bar fast and aggressively in a similar ROM to the main lifts.
What does your typical training split look like?
It varies, right now I’m 10 weeks out from my next competition and for the next 5 weeks I’ll be benching 3x per week, squatting once per week and deadlifting once per week along with assistance work each training day.
Give us an overview of your diet?
In general I just try to eat as much real food as possible and minimize junk food.
What’s your favorite lift and a few tips to help people improve it?
My favorite lift is the squat. A tip to improve your squat is take a snapshot of your bottom position in the squat from the side. Draw a straight line from the bar going through your midfoot and figure out how you can adjust angles to be in the best possible position right there.

What advice would you give yourself if you could go back in time to the start of your lifting career?
I’d advise myself to start deadlifting since I didn’t start deadlifting until I was around 25 and I’d tell myself to squat deep since I was basically a quarter squatter up until a year ago.
What are some of your short and long term goals for your lifting?
Short term I’m looking to break 2,000 lbs in my next competition. Long term my goal is to break 2,100 at 220 which would be the world record, there’s a couple of other guys that plan to crush that number too though so I guess only time will tell with that.