
Chad’s 765 x2 Deadlift and Video Q&A

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Glad to be done deloading. I think 50% of the value in a deload, besides allowing your body to recover, is to just make you so bored that all you wanna do is SFW.

Used the poteniation protocol of my Compex device on my quads and hams before training today. I think I should have used the warmup protocol prior to it though. It was the first time I had used this setting.


1) Box Jumps-4×4 at 36″, impressed all the boot camp women with my big man jumping skills.


2) Deadlift






585×1, add soft belt

675×1, add real belt


These weren’t the best, but that was a 15# PR double.

585x3x3, 90 seconds rest b/t sets, no straps


3) Squat

Bar x10





515×5, add belt


My 435 and 515 sets didn’t feel too good, but 600×7 was solid. I was using a different bar than usual and it was sliding down my back some, otherwise I would have definitely done 8 here.


4) Defecit Pull from 3″ block

545x6x1, 1 minute between sets, no belt or straps


5a) GHR-3×10 w/ 25#, the new place has PowerLift GHRs which are nice, the foot plate is a little small for my size 14s but the pads and nice and don’t smash your quads so bad like my EFS one did

5b) DB Side Bends-3×10/10 w/ 85#

5c) Straight Leg Situps-3×10 w/ 18kg KB on chest


Here are some answers to questions about deadlift training I got through Facebook…

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